The Roctopus ecoTrust, Koh Tao is a marine conservation programme situated in the Gulf of Thailand. This conservation programme provides divers and ocean enthusiasts with an in-depth education on coral reef ecosystems and marine conservation methods, and offers a platform for individuals to engage directly in underwater research, monitoring and restoration projects on Koh Tao through various marine conservation programmes and internships.
The Roctopus ecoTrust has established several reef monitoring, research and marine conservation projects on Koh Tao that provide essential information on the health of reefs around the island, threats that they may be exposed to, and the effects that environmental stress and human impacts may have on corals and the diverse collection of reef organisms they provide habitats to. These marine conservation programmes aim to provide long term solutions for Koh Tao and it's reefs, supporting a marine ecosystem where biodiveristy can thrive.
The Roctopus ecoTrust offers a collection of marine conservation programmes and conservation internships on Koh Tao that accommodate individuals of varying ability and experience, providing options to those who have never dived before through to industry/academic professionals. Marine conservation programmes offered through the Roctopus ecoTrust range from 1-5 day courses to long term conservation internships, including our unique 3 month 'conservation ecoDivemaster internship'. These programmes provide options for anyone interested in participaing in marine conservation on Koh Tao.