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Damselfish, alongside clownfish, are both members of the family Pomacentridae, and are two of the most abundant reef-dwelling fish. They often live in and around coral reefs or sheltered sandy lagoons; however, some species have been recorded to live up to depths exceeding 100m. Primarily herbivores known for cultivating algae ‘gardens’, they may eat some small invertebrates and anemones, but these typically form a small part of their diet. These fish are most well known for their territorial nature and nesting behaviours; unlike most families of pelagic fish, the damsel fish lay their eggs attached to a substrate (a solid object such as coral, rock, and other debris).
Question: Does frequency of divers on dive site locations alter the response and recovery time of gobies to perceived threats?
Throughout the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans, species of Goby fish (Gobiidae) form a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with species of alpheid shrimps, commonly known as pistol or snapping shrimp (belonging to the family Alpheidae). Interactions between species lead to different advantages and benefices for all the concerned individuals, for instance protection against predators, food supplies or a safe place for breeding (Karplus and Thompson, 2011; Karplus, 1974).
I was curious and fascinated by this buddy team since my first time in the ocean, practising my skills over the sand. Witnessing these sentinel gobies guarding their little shared kingdom with their powerhouse shrimp, rearranging the furniture. With Koh Tao being one of most popular places to dive, I wanted to find out if higher diver traffic on dive sites affected these species, and in what way. So, I embarked on a 2-week research project to find this out.
As Marine Ecology Interns, we have spent the last few weeks alternating between the classroom and the ocean, learning about fish and coral identification, their importance in ecosystems, and how we can protect and preserve our incredible reefs. We have participated in many clean-up dives, biodiversity assessments, and removal of certain species threatening coral health and growth, such as drupella snails and the crown of thorns starfish.
As part of my 4-week eco-internship at Roctopus, I assisted in a variety of ongoing research projects such as biodiversity surveying and artificial reef construction and maintenance. In addition to this, I had the opportunity to conduct my own personal research project. I wanted my project to focus on the impacts of the recreational SCUBA industry on coral health.